Venus The name “morning star” and “evening star” are terms that are frequently used to refer to the planet of clouds. This is due to the fact that Venus may often be seen either immediately before sunrise or immediately after dusk.
After the moon, Venus is the object in the night sky that shines the brightest, and it is also the planet in the solar system that is nearest to our home.
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“Really happy I got it, it’s a good buy.” – Delicate Venus Lamp with 3D printing of novelty Venus shape, in the darkness of night, this cool moon lamp will work as a glittering star in the boundless universe, easily add fun to the room decor, perfect gift for kids, girls, baby.
The thick layer of clouds gives the impression that the planet is especially brilliant. Because these clouds reflect a greater fraction of the sun’s rays, Venus appears to have an incredible amount of brightness.
Unfortunately, the same clouds that prevent professional astronomers from seeing surface details also prevent amateur astronomers from seeing those details.
Craters and a few volcanoes can be seen on the surface of Venus in radar photographs of the planet. As there are not many impact craters on the surface of Venus, scientists assume that the planet’s crust is only about 4.5 billion years old. When seen through the lens of
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Because of the thick cloud cover Venus gets hotter than Mercury although Mercury is closer to the Sun.
The planet Venus spins in a retrograde way from its orbit. Compared to the other planets Venus spins backwards and the sun rises in the west and sets in the east.
Venus also, like Mercury rotates quite slowly on its axis. The Venusian day is longer than a Venusian year.
Venus rotates about once every 243 Earth days. A Venusian sidereal day thus lasts longer than a Venusian year (243 versus 224.7 Earth days). However, because of Venus’s retrograde rotation, the length of a solar day on Venus is significantly shorter than the sidereal day.
To an observer on the surface of Venus the time from one sunrise to the next would be 116.75 Earth days (making Venus’s solar day shorter than Mercury’s 176 Earth days).
Venus the planet also travels in a nearly circular orbit. All the other planets orbits are a lot more elliptical.