Stars Constellations Listings in Alphabetical Order [2023]

Here’s the stars constellations list in alphabetical order.

Andromeda, Antila(air pump), Apus(bird of paradise), Aquarius(water bearer),

Aquila(eagle), Ara(altar), Aries(ram), Auriga(charioteer), Bootes(herdsman), Caelum(chisel), Camelopardalis(giraffe), Cancer(crab),

Canes Venatici(hunting dogs), Canis Major(big dog), Canis Minor(little dog), Capricornus(sea goat),

Carina(keel), Cassiopeia, Centaurus(centaur), Cepheus, Cetus(sea monster), Chamaeleon(chameleon),

Circinus(compasses), Columba(dove), Coma Berenices(berenice’s hair), Corona Australis(southern crown),

Corona Borealis(northern crown), Corvus(crow), Crater(cup), Crux(southern cross), Cygnus(the swan),

Delphinus(dolphin), Dorado(goldfish), Draco(dragon), Equuleus(little horse), Eridanus(river),

Fornax(furnace), Gemini(twins), Grus(the crane), Hercules, Horologium(pendulum clock),

Hydra(water serpent), Hydrus(lesser water snake), Indus(indian), Lacerta(lizard), Leo(lion), Leo Minor(lesser lion), Lepus(hare/rabbit), Libra(the scales), Lupus(wolf), lynx, Lyra(lyre), Mensa(the table mountain),

Microscopium(microscope), Monoceros(unicorn), Musca(fly), Norma(level), Octans(octant),

Ophiuchus(serpent holder), Orion the Hunter, Pavo(peacock), Pegasus the winged horse, Perseus,

Phoenix, Pictor(painter’s easel), Pisces(fish), Piscis Austrinus(southern fish), Puppis(the stern),

Pyxis(the compass), Reticulum(reticle), Sagitta(arrow), Sagittarius(archer), Scorpius(scorpion), Sculptor, Scutum(shield), Serpens(serpent), Sextans(sextant), Taurus the Bull, Telescopium(telescope),

Triangulum(triangle), Triangulum Australe(southern triangle), Tucana(toucan),

Ursa Major(the great bear), Ursa Minor(lesser bear), Vela(sails), Virgo(the virgin), Volans(flying fish), Vulpecula(fox)

All 88 star constellations are listed.

On some lists, there are really 89 or 90 different constellations included. This is due to the fact that Serpens is now considered to be two distinct constellations.

Officially, it is one, and I listed it as such. However, it is divided by Ophiuchus, the bearer of serpents, into Serpens Caput (also known as the head) and Serpens Cauda (the body) (the tail).

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