Farmer’s Almanac List of Full Moon Names

Names of the Full Moon and the Meanings Behind Them

The Native Americans who lived in what is now the northern and eastern United States are responsible for giving the full moon its names. The tribes were able to keep track of the seasons by assigning unique names to each of the moons that reached their full phase.

Their names were given to the entirety of the calendar month in which each event took place.

There were some differences in the names given to the full Moon, but in general, the same ones were used by Algonquin people from New England to Lake Superior. These names have been passed down through the generations.

This tradition was adopted by European settlers, who also came up with some of their own names.

The full moon occurs at different times of the year each year due to the fact that the lunar month only lasts an average of 29 days.

The following is a list of the names given to the full Moon by the Farmers Almanac.

• Full Moon of the Wolf in January The wolf packs howled with hunger as they passed by the Indian settlements, which were surrounded by deep snow and bitter cold. This is how the full moon that occurs in January got its name. Occasionally, it was also referred to as the Old Moon or the Moon After Yule. Both of these names were also used. Although some people referred to it as the Full Snow Moon, the majority of tribes referred to the subsequent moon as such.

• Full Snow Moon – During the Month of February The full moon that occurs in February was traditionally known as the Full Snow Moon by northern and eastern indigenous tribes. This is because the biggest snowfall typically occurs during this month. Some indigenous communities also referred to this moon as the Full Hunger Moon because of the challenging weather conditions that prevailed in their regions, which made it difficult for people to go hunting.

• Full Moon of the Worm in March The appearance of earthworm casts is a harbinger of the return of the robins, which occurs when the weather begins to warm up and the ground begins to thaw. The more northern tribes referred to this moon as the Full Crow Moon, which occurred when the cawing of crows indicated the end of winter, or the Full Crust Moon, which occurred when the snow cover became crusted as a result of thawing during the day and freezing during the night. Another variant is the Full Sap Moon, which denotes the time of year when maple trees can be tapped for their sap. It was also called as the Lenten Moon by the early settlers, because it was thought of as the final full Moon that would appear throughout the winter season.

• Full Pink Moon – April This name comes from the herb known as moss pink, which is also known as wild ground phlox. It is one of the first flowers to bloom widely throughout the spring. This month’s full moon is also known as the Full Sprouting Grass Moon, the Egg Moon, and among coastal tribes as the Full Fish Moon. These names come from the fact that this was the time of year when shad would swim upstream to spawn.

• Full Bloom Moon in the Month of May In the majority of regions, this time of year sees a profusion of flowers over the landscape. Hence, the name of this full moon. There are also other names for the full moon, such as the Milk Moon or the Corn Planting Moon.

The Strawberry Moon at its Full Phase in June This name was used by every Algonquin tribe in every generation. On the other hand, people in Europe referred to it as the Rose Moon. The month of June also has the distinction of being the beginning of the very brief harvesting season for strawberries, which is another reason why the full moon that occurs during that month was given the name “strawberry moon.”

• The Buck Moon in July – Completely Full The month of July is traditionally the time when buck deer’s new antlers begin to emerge from their foreheads, covered in a velvety covering of fur. As a result of the increased frequency of thunderstorms that occur at this time of year, the full moon was also sometimes referred to as the “Full Thunder Moon.” The moon that occurred this month was also referred to as the Full Hay Moon.

• Full Sturgeon Moon – August Because sturgeon, a huge fish that lives in the Great Lakes and other important bodies of water, was most easily caught during this month, the fishing tribes are credited with giving this Moon its name. Some communities referred to it as the Full Red Moon due to the fact that, as the Moon rises, it can seem reddish through any haze that may be present. It was also known as the Grain Moon and the Green Corn Moon at one point.

• Corn Moon in September (full phase) The Native Americans are credited with giving this term to the full moon because it indicated the time of year when maize should be harvested. The term “Harvest Moon” refers to the full moon that occurs most frequently in September.

• The Full Moon of the Harvest in October The full moon that comes at this time is the one that is closest to the autumn equinox. The Harvest Moon appears in the month of September on two out of every three years, however on occasion it appears in the month of October. By the light of the Moon, farmers are able to continue working late into the night when harvest time is at its height. It is common for the full Moon to rise an average of 50 minutes later each night; however, during the few nights surrounding the Harvest Moon, the Moon appears to rise at nearly the same time each night; it is only 25 to 30 minutes later across the United States, and it is only 10 to 20 minutes later for much of Canada and Europe. This phenomenon is known as a “supermoon.” The harvesting season has arrived, and Native Americans may now collect corn, pumpkins, squash, beans, and wild rice as their primary sources of nutrition.

• Full Moon of the Beaver in November Before the marshes froze over, this was the time to install beaver traps in order to assure a supply of warm winter furs for the coming season. According to a different point of view, the name “Full Beaver Moon” may have originated from the fact that beavers are currently engaged in the process of preparing for winter. There are also occasions when people will refer to it as the Frosty Moon.

• The Full Moon of Winter, also known as the Full Moon of Long Nights – December This is the month when the winter chill takes a firmer hold, and the nights are both the longest and darkest they will be all season. Additionally, it is known as the Moon before Christmas on occasion. Because the midwinter night is so long and the moon is visible in the sky for such a significant portion of the night, the full moon that occurs during this time of year is referred to as the “Long Night Moon.” Because the Sun is so much lower in the sky during the middle of winter, the path that the full moon takes through the sky is much higher.

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